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Malvern Manor / Villisca Ax Murder House

August 11-12, 2021

Malvern Manor Website

Villisca Ax Murder House Website

For our 10th Anniversary, we decided on a two-fer. Actually, it was more of a four-fer. We started out the trip by stopping by Belvoir Winery to pick up some wine and say, "Hi" to George the skeleton. We then continued to Excelsior Springs, MO to spend the night at The Elms Hotel in the Al Capone Suite. No investigation at either of those though. We saved the fun for our return to see my buddy Josh Heard at Malvern Manor for an overnight investigation and the next day mosey on down the road to Villisca Ax Murder House to drop off a Waylon Jennings shirt and a case of Busch Latte. More on that later.

Will add more later.
since 2002