About the Site
website Megiloth.com was started as a personal website back in 2002.
Prior to that I had a Tripod site which was basically the same thing,
but had too many pop-up ads, so I got my own domain name. Over the years
I stopped updating with pointless crap such as including college essays,
pictures of parties, and so forth. Nobody cares about some cell phone
paper I wrote for a Business 101 class back in 2001, my favorite TV
shows, wacky "System Administrator Humor" pages, or restaurant reviews
of local places that are no longer in existence. Also, the Poll Page and
Guestbook that were hosted with Lycos HTML Gear, which hasn't been
around for years, yeah I deleted those.
I simply had too many items of interest I was posting about. In the last few years, I figured it would be good to whittle it down to things I'm actually interested in. Hopefully you will be informed and entertained.
Yes, I know Megiloth is misspelled. But it is on purpose. The name comes from Australian death metal band Mortification's song, "Scrolls of the Megilloth". The Megilloth consists of Old Testament scriptures traditionally read at Jewish holidays. The books include Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther. The only reason I spell it Megiloth is because in 1996 when I got my first internet account, I could only use eight letters for my username, so I dropped an "L" in Megilloth, and it has stuck.
Hope you enjoy the site. Feel free to leave me an email.